How to make a successful blog in 100 days? (Secret Share by Mr Vyas)

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Have you ever heard about Mr Vyas’s YouTube channel?


Don’t worry, I am here to tell you everything about this YouTube channel.

Background of Mr Vyas YouTube Channel

Mr Vyas’s YouTube channel is based on blogging and making money online. He has been blogging since 2018.

He is also very active on YouTube. He has more than 146K subscribers on YouTube. He has uploaded more than 700 videos on blogging concepts.

If you are interested in blogging and are trying to find a mentor from whom you can learn all about blogging concepts in Hindi, then the Mr Vyas YouTube channel is one of the options.

Recently, on January 6, 2024, he uploaded a video on “how to create a successful blog in 100 days” with his experience of more than 2000 days in this field.

Let me tell you in brief what he has covered in this video.

He has covered all of his five years of learning in 11 points.

1. Niche selection is very important.

According to Mr Vyas, he started his journey with a multi-niche blog, and later he converted this blog into a tech-based blog where he covered blogs related to iOS, Android, Windows, Macs, etc.

Also, he has started a successful blog on “sound.” Yes, his niche is sound, where he covers speakers, sound systems, acoustic devices, etc.

Based on learning from these blogs and making more than 700 videos, he suggested beginners that start with a Mirco niche blog be successful in 100 days.

In micro-niche blogs, SEO is very important. So beginners also have to learn and understand SEO, like on-page and off-page SEO.

For those who are not interested in any niche or are not able to find their interests, Mr Vyas suggested that they work on multi-niche topics.

So he recommended that news websites work. On news websites, there is no need to do any SEO.

2. International Blogging

In his second point, he describes international blogging. He recommends beginners select niches to target Tier 1 countries like the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, etc.

For Tier 1 countries, RPM is very good. If you start a micro-niche blog based in the USA, then you can easily earn about $40 per 1000 user visits.

Similarly, $22 for the UK, $44 for Canada, and $46 for Australia.

3. Keyword Research

This is the backbone of blogging. Every successful blog depends on the best keyword research.

Mr Vyas also suggested that beginners have to focus on intent instead of search volume.

And focus on low-volume, long-tail keywords.

4. Website SEO

At this point, Mr Vyas talks about technical SEO.

He said that most of the beginners ran behind backlinks, but as per his experience, the technical SEO part of the website is the most important thing.

To check website technical SEO, he recommended his website bloggingos. Here you will find a tool called “website audit.”.

Enter your website here and check what score you have. If your website’s technical score is above 60%, then it is precisely good.

You can easily rank on search engines.

After that, he talks about on-page SEO and off-page SEO.

He focused more on internal linking and on-page SEO after the technical SEO of the website. You can use the rank math plugin for on-page SEO.

So after technical SEO and on-page SEO, work is done to build backlinks, also called off-page SEO.

5. Tools for the website

To start a successful blog or website, he talks about all the tools that are necessary for a website and that he has been using for over 5 years.

The list of tools is here below.

1. Hosting

He suggested that you always choose hosting that provides your website with a 90% uptime, can easily handle 500–1000 visitors, and has SSD storage for fast download and upload times.

2. Domain

Under this tool, he said that most beginners are confused regarding which type of domain they should buy, like .com or .in

So he suggested that you just go with your niche and intent.

If your niche is India-based and there is no plan to scale up the site worldwide, then simply choose the .in domain, but if you want to work worldwide, then go for the .com domain.

In this area, he also talks about generic domains and country-specific domains.

3. Theme

Always use the GeneratePress theme because this theme is SEO-friendly and lightweight. Focus more on content research and keyword research than themes. And do not change themes frequently.

4. Plugins

He suggested that there are six important plugins that a website should have. These are:-

  • Rank Math SEO
  • Image optimizer short-pixel
  • Google site kit
  • Ad inserter AdSense
  • Linkwhishper links management
  • Getaawp Amazon affiliate

Further, he advises new bloggers to never use more than 63 plugins on their website. More plugins will decrease the speed of the website.

mr vyas

6. Content Writing

Mr Vyas suggested that using short paragraphs in your blog will increase the chances of ranking on Google search snippets. Therefore, optimizing your paragraphs is very important.

Using AI to research topics and create outlines will decrease your time.

Focus more on feature snippets. For example, optimizing paragraphs instead of focusing on keywords.

7. No. of Blog Posts

Mr Vyas said that 80–20 principle work on the website.

Always, 20% of your site’s web pages will drive 80% of traffic to your website.

So focus on constant writing and never expect results with only 40–50 articles or blog posts.

As you increase the number of blog posts on your site, the page views will also increase.

8. Website growth and traffic

  • Focus on the total number of impressions and not on clicks

Do not focus on real-time users in Google Analytics. In the starting phase of your website, always use Google search console data. As your impressions increase in the search console, clicks will automatically increase.

So focus on the total number of impressions and not on clicks.

  • Diversify Traffic

Use YouTube to promote your website.

Use push notifications to capture the audience.

Use social media for marketing your website.

Do better SEO.

9. Different Income Options

Use different income options, and your site traffic will increase. Never depends only on Google Adsense. You can use Google AdSense, Affiliates, Sponsorships, and Freelancing.

There are more than 21 ways in which you can earn from a single website.

10. Multiple Ad networks

Do not rely only on Google AdSense. For better market competition, use different ad networks like Sovrn, AdThrive, Ezoic, Mediavine, etc.

Mr Vyas also warns that sometimes new bloggers violate Google’s policy of using multiple ad networks, and his AdSense will get banned. So it is also important that one knows the use of multiple ad networks in compliance with Google policies.

11. The Best Affiliate Program

Mr Vyas said that beginners flew behind Clickbank products. However, the best affiliate program in the market is only the Amazon Affiliate Program.

So before gaining any experience in affiliate marketing, generate decent revenue from Amazon affiliates and then try for others.

You can also promote courses on your website through the Learn and Earn section.

When you gain experience in the above two methods, you should go for single product reviews.

Pro Tips by Mr Vyas

Finally, he advises bloggers that the age of their blogs is important. As well as your site gets older, the authority and visitors of your site will increase if you work consistently on your site and improve content quality.

So these are the 11 points that are shared by Mr Vyas with all of his subscribers. If you also want to watch his video, you can follow the link. Thanks for reading Bankpediaa.


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